Arts, Culture & Creative Economy Element
CPG, as a consultant to Raimi + Associates, is preparing the Arts, Culture, and Creative Economy Element for Culver City’s General Plan.
The arts are in Culver City’s DNA. Its more-than-hundred-year history is rooted in film production and its creative identity has expanded and diversified to include – among many others – a robust presence of artists, nonprofit arts organizations, the design community and, more recently, major digital media and technology companies like Amazon Studios, Sony Studios and Apple. While the influx of new major employers is welcomed by many, concerns about rising real estate values, higher commercial and residential rents, increased traffic and parking issues, and other outcomes of growth and density are challenges for City government and residents alike. The community strongly believes in the intrinsic value of arts and culture, and artists, and seeks to avoid their being overshadowed by a focus on the economic role of the creative economy. Culver City encompasses both. Its creative economy indexes among the highest in the US but the fine arts and artists have struggled to find support in the face of increased development. The General Plan supports the multiple roles arts, culture and creative economy play in Culver City and the lives of its diverse residents and workers. The Arts, Culture & Creative Economy Element is a long-term policy document that bolsters the health and vibrancy of the entire creative sector, addressing its critical needs and advancing the city as a creative center.